Sunday, 29 November 2015

I Failed But It's Fine, You Can Too.

So I failed.

Not in the traditional sense, I just failed to do what I wanted to with my film when I moved to University, but strangely I'm okay with that.

The grand idea was that I'd move to Uni, but keep on producing content in a steady stream with my creative partners, however since then things haven't happened and I haven't put out anything new, heck, I haven't even finished editing what I shot at the end of summer with Liam & Co.

However, though this may seem like a negative at first it's given me the chance to reflect and not to be cliche'd but it's been somewhat of a journey, before moving I don't think I understood the magnitude of what I was doing, but since moving I've gone through a massive transition where I've had a plethora of new experiences and grown as a person, and I feel that no matter what happens in the future I'll never be the person I was prior to University. Though woeful it may seem at first it's definitely not a negative thing, leaving friendships behind has taught me the value of such things, how much it cannot be taken for granted and how important it is to make new bonds, and though I've gotten closer to many people and further from some, I feel fine. Additionally I feel like the experiences and the characters I've met during my time in Uni will be an aid to my future projects and forays into film, though at the start of this post I said that I'd failed, what I really think is I failed to understand the importance of transitional periods in life, what I learnt is that I don't need to be working at 100% capacity all of the time, sometimes in life as a person it's important to take a step back from what you're doing and experience life from a different angle, it eliminates a monotony of artistic vision, and creativity are sourced from experiences, and since this massive change in my lifestyle I feel like I've only benefited.

So what can you take from this? Well, if you're going to make a massive transition in your life, acknowledge that you need time to make that transition, and during that time embrace life, for life is the giver of characters, story and fantastic experiences that make you rich, definitely not financially rich if you're a student (That comes after your degree I hear), but in more important ways such as emotionally and spiritually rich, trust me, I'm in one of the best places I've been in my life right now.

Merry Christmas

- Geraint

P.S. Less than two weeks Liam - Chin up old sport!